Why Us?

To understand why you should join our traders we must first discuss the foundations of JG | Trading itself. Josh started participating in the FX markets as soon as he was able to, with a passion for trading a creating his own opportunity it became pretty clear that Foreign exchange trading was the way to go. With technology hardware/software constantly advancing and the markets changing every single day, there was plenty of room to capitalize on some of these moves. Josh started trading for himself and over a year, managed to develop his skills to a point where he became profitable. The journey was not easy for him. With that in mind, JG | Trading was set up in order to provide educational services to people who are in his position at a fairly young age to fast-track the trading learning curve.

What you'll receive!

Josh and the other traders will provide you with daily analysis 5 days per week (due to markets being closed on weekends) in the private 'Professional Members Channel'. These trade ideas are the exact trades they will be making on their own personal accounts. You will receive potential potential setups for most currency pairs, clear explanations of why trades are being taken and key upcoming news events.

Furthermore, in the professional members discussion group you will be able to interact and engage with other members of the community and of course, Josh and the other head-traders. This space is for you to share your own ideas, new methods or your own thoughts on another members trade ideas.

Weekly News Updates

(Please note the diagram titled 'Important news this week' is to be used purely as an example and is not a real reflection of upcoming news)

At the beginning of every week our head-traders send out the weekly news data. This informs our members of any market moving information, ahead of time.

Why we need this?

When we trade we ultimately look to reduce our risk as much as possible. Key economic news from our trusted sources reliably inform us of what's going on in the world relating to different currencies, from here we act accordingly.

Key news information such as interest rates decisions, non-farm employment stats and GDP data can cause a lot of volatility within the markets.

Besides reducing risk, as a trader it is good to be aware of the global macroeconomic picture as this can help you get a better outlook on what is actually going on.

Monthly Membership Fee